Rabu, 30 November 2011


1 To respond and express the  Pilihan Ganda 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

actional acts of expression of:  Essay 1

2.1.1. congratulation    

2.1.2. compliments    

to tell the truth in a group    


2 To understand the   Pilihan Ganda 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,

meaning in expression of :   19,20

2.2.1. Preposition of Place Essay 4

2.2.2. There is/are    

2.2.3. Direction    

to implement our social activity    

activity based on Allah's     


3 To understand the meaning in Pilihan Ganda 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,

monolog text of:   29,30, 31, 47, 48, 49, 50

2.3.1. Story Retelling Essay 2,3

2.3.2. Simple Past    

2.3.3. Invitation    

to appreciate others'    

4 To understand the   Pilihan Ganda 32,33,34,35,36,

meaning in expression of : Essay  

2.4.1. Adjectives    

2.4.2. Suggestion    

clearly and variously    

5 To understand the meaning in Pilihan Ganda 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44

monolog text of:   45,46

2.5.1. Describing a place Essay 5

2.5.2. Oral Text    

various persuading    

to attract audience    

Selasa, 29 November 2011


1 To respond and express  Pilihan Ganda 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12

actional acts of:   13, 14

2.1.1. Introduction    

2.1.2. Spelling Essay 1,2

2.1.3. Numbers    

2.1.4. Hotel Registration    

to apply in a real life,    

social interact    
2 To understand the   Pilihan Ganda 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,

meaning in expression of    23, 24,

2.2.1. Birthday Essay 3

2.2.2. Celebration    

2.2.3. Congratulation    

To know some special    

religion's day , take and give    
3 To understand the   Pilihan Ganda 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,

meaning in expression of   32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,

2.3.1. Simple Present Tense   40

2.3.1. Describing People Essay 4

To tell the truth in the group    

To understand the  

meaning in expression of 

4 2.4.1. There is/are Pilihan Ganda 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 

2.4.2. Prepostion of place Essay 5

2.4.3 Place (house)    

to interact with others    

to tell the truth    

To understand the meaning in

oral language/monolog     
5 2.5.2.  Film&Sountrack Pilihan Ganda 49, 50

2.5.2. Song Review    

to tell the truth in    


Jumat, 25 November 2011

Kamis, 17 November 2011


Have you ever been to Jakarta? Of course yes because it is the capital city of Indonesia. But how about Kota tua or Jakarta Old Town? Have you ever visited? Hmmm well I would like to tell you more about it. Jakarta Old Town which is also famous as Old Jakarta and Old Batavia is a small part of Jakarta. It is the former Jakarta with the name Batavia, we can say that It is the truly Jakarta. Jakarta Old Town is located in both North Jakarta and West Jakarta.

Do you know the length of the area? The region spans 1.3 square Kilometers. How about the things are there? There are many famous historical buildings. They are The Museum History of Jakarta (in front of Jakarta square), Museum Bahari (you can see the old Penisi ship), Sunda Kelapa Harbour Near the Ciliwung river), and Omni Batavia Hotel.

What do the visitor feel when they visit it? People will feel that they are as if in Netherlands or Amsterdam because the architecture of the buildings are absolutely Dutch style. And the most unique is we can enjoy ojek sepeda (a person who use his bike to take the passenger) to around the area.


Since it is the truly Jakarta, the government makes it as it the heritage site.  It is openly for many people who wants to enjoy on vacation and know more about the Jakarta’s history. 


Sabtu, 05 November 2011

Story Retelling

Yehesss in action at SMP N 2 Purworejo. He got the first winner

Native Speaker

The first day of her coming to SMP N 3 Purworejo. Tania walked around and observed the school accompanied by Bu Yayuk and me.

Teaching learning activity in the classroom

With the students and the teachers

Jumat, 04 November 2011

English Extracurricular Student List

1 Baby Tania VIII A
2 Debora Rousyella VIII A
3 Gabriella M.B VIII A
4 Melania Krisna VIII A
5 Afif Rahmat W VIII B
6 Qoriesa Bakti H VIII B
7 Suluh Wiji M.P VIII B
8 Tiana Dewi VIII B
9 Hanifah Lutfi VIII C
10 Latifah R VIII C
11 Ndaru VIII C
12 Nur Fiddarayani VIII C
13 Annosa Fauzi VIII E
14 Helmi Farhansyah VIII E
15 Risang Royan M VIII E
16 Andina Reftiyani VIII F
17 Adelia Dyaning P VIII F
18 Aliffa Yuli Restyana VIII F
19 Dede Fajar VIII F
20 Dinar VIII F
21 Dyah Nur Imansari VIII F
22 Gaffar  Sadewa E VIII G
23 Rofiq Nugroho VIII G
24 Muhammad Chayaatul  VIII G

Teacher: Rahayu Hartati, S.Pd
Room : VII C

No Name Class
1 Andi Qadrianinda D VIII A
2 Dwitya Kurnia Widi H VIII A
3 Dyta Aprilia Christ S VIII A
4 Lindi Suciati VIII A
5 Pramudita Galih R VIII A
6 Aji Tri Mahanani VIII B
7 Catur Haryo Prastowo VIII B
8 Mila Anom Sari VIII B
9 Yoanisa VIII D
10 Winda M VIII B
11 Chiesa Aldo Valdano VIII C
12 Dian Rahmawati VIII C
13 Hendika Surya P VIII C
14 Irma Melati W VIII C
15 Aulia Ghazy Addieni VIII D
16 Rossian Nursiddiq I VIII D
17 Siwi Aisah Prabandari VIII D
18 Yola Regifta Huda P VIII D
19 Ridwan Ash Shidiqi VIII E
20 Rinaldy Juni H.S VIII E
21 Titis Prastiwi VIII E
22 Dhea Maulidda VIII F
23 Annes Lucsyana S VIII G
24 Refiera Yuastika VIII G

Teacher: Lynda Ratna D, S.Pd
Room: VII D

No Name Class
1 Anggit Asvantyas K.P VIII A
2 Dwi Budi Wiyanto VIII A
3 Pramudya Aji P VIII A
4 Rizki Ari Kurniawan VIII A
5 Rizki Septi Ayu N VIII A
6 Sava Pradipta B VIII A
7 Ageng Pangestu  W VIII B
8 Aribah Mascahya K VIII B
9 Bagus Rahman Y VIII B
10 Devi yuliani VIII B
11 Dian Erawati VIII B
12 Irfans Maulana F VIII C
13 Nisrina Nuril Mala VIII C
14 Latifah Dhani Andini VIII D
15 Muamar Fikri H VIII D
16 Riski Setyaningrum VIII E
17 Ryzal Adnan Aziz VIII E
18 Rizki Ridlotul Hidayah VIII E
19 Faizal Fachru Rozi VIII F
20 Nirmala Sari VIII F
21 Hanif Nurulumfitry Z VIII G
22 Aulia Hafidzah N VIII G
23 Hanifah Nuri Fahmi VIII G
24 Zahroh Khalilia VIII G

Teacher: Sugiharti, S.Pd
Room: VII D

No Name Class
1 Ariel Seto Adinugraha VIII A
2 Galih Refa Sugiarto VIII A
3 Jeffrey Wahyu Sutejo VIII A
4 Puput Fatikhah N VIII A
5 Putri Sanjias Ningrum VIII A
6 Balqis Istqomah G VIII B
7 Galuh Kusuma Ratri VIII B
8 Ovie Aulia Putri VIII C
9 Dwi Wahyudi VIII D
10 Calvin Perdana H.P VIII E
11 Danang Satrio P VIII E
12 Herdianti Isnaini VIII E
13 Isna Nurlean Fitri U VIII E
14 Kirana Lintang S VIII E
15 Mugita Birul Sarinji VIII E
16 Nadia Rismawati VIII E
17 Tunjung Restapi VIII E
18 Aghilatul Umuda VIII F
19 Arsha Anggita Ilma VIII F
20 Wahyu Dwi O VIII F
21 Sapto Aji Ramadhan VIII F
22 Yolanda VIII F
23 Herlinda Indriastuti VIII G
24 I Gusti Agung L VIII G

Teacher: Hastiningtyas, S.Pd
Room: VII E

No Name Class
1 Cahyo Budi Wandono VIII A
2 Gunawan Panji K VIII A
3 Wahyu Krisna Aji VIII A
4 Wawan Prastyo H VIII A
5 Dian Wahyu I VIII B
6 Faham Wicaksono VIII B
7 Kartiko Budiharjo VIII B
8 Muhamad Khoderi VIII B
9 Novrinda Regita N VIII B
10 Prihar Reformasi K VIII B
11 Refangga VIII B
12 Rizka Adi Nugroho VIII B
13 Siti Hanifah VIII B
14 Alam Fajaray VIII D
15 Alfati Malikha VIII D
16 Alma Swastika VIII D
17 Bangkit Tarekat VIII D
18 Beta Yunita Pawestri VIII E
19 Hastu Mega Primasto VIII E
20 Hikmatun Khoirunissa  VIII E
21 Praba Sulistya Jati VIII E
22 Putri Hanani Nazihah VIII E
23 Sasqya Maharani VIII E
24 Wirdatul Badi'ah VIII E

Teacher: MD.Sri Rahayu, S.Pd.Ing
Room: VIII A

No Name Class
1 Alifiah Masruroh VIII C
2 Alif Irvan Praditya VIII C
3 Annisa Ulfatul K VIII C
4 Ayutya Rachmawati P VIII C
5 Galang Pribadi VIII C
6 Hanif Wisnu Fauzi VIII C
7 Helfira Retnaniadi VIII C
8 Irfan Muhammad R VIII C
9 Novanda Nur Faizah VIII C
10 Nur Rochman Al B VIII C
11 Rachmat Yulianto VIII C
12 Shania Dyta Aziezka VIII C
13 Wahyu Taufiq Hidayat VIII C
14 Bikusuma Nurrohim VIII D
15 Catur Candra C VIII D
16 Dhika Hernawan A VIII D
17 Dyah Lestari  VIII D
18 Elma Dwi Septiana VIII D
19 Muhammad Quraishy VIII D
20 Resti Fadzilah VIII D
21 Rinda Suci Amalia VIII D
22 Sri Ambarwati VIII D
23 Taufiq Alhakim VIII D
24 Tito Damas P VIII D

Teacher: MR. Sri Asih, S.Pd.Ing
Room: VIII B

No Name Class
1 Bayu Priambodo VIII F
2 Dandi Mundakir VIII F
3 Eko Lutfi Alhafiz VIII F
4 Fina Rizki Amalia VIII F
5 Hafidz Setiyadi VIII F
6 Nurul Alifah VIII F
7 Putri Larasati VIII F
8 Yayang Ridha N. S VIII F
9 Yulinda C VIII F
10 Zaidan Fuad Hazim VIII F
11 Cindy Lestari VIII G
12 Didik Setya K VIII G
13 Fitri Rejeki VIII G
14 Fakhrizal Gani VIII G
15 Kholifah Febriyati VIII G
16 Prisma Sekar Sukma VIII G
17 Radhan Satria B.P VIII G
18 Rendra Limei N.W VIII G
19 Ridwan Satryo H VIII G
20 Rizqi Fatkhul Mubin VIII G
21 Setyo Budi Utomo VIII G
22 Siti Maysaroh VIII G
23 Zahroh Al Adamiyah VIII G

Teacher: Sururi, S.Pd
Room : VIII C