Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

English Program during the Second Semester

1. Translation once a week, enclosed glossary, synonym, antonym(if it is possible)
Schedule 8D: Monday
8E: Monday
8F: Wednesday
2. Irregular Test (5 Times) by filling the blanks!
1) No. 1-30 Schedule 8D: Saturday
2) No. 31-65 8E: Saturday
3) No. 66-101 8F: Monday
4) No. 102-135
5) No. 136-162
3. Read Narratives
1. Title
2. Theme
3. Setting
4. Characters
5. Vocabulary
6. Summary

English Syllaby for the Eighth Grade

1. Transactional and Interpersonal Discourse
a. Asking, Giving, and Refusing Information
b. Giving and Refusing Something
c. Correcting and Denying Information
d. Asking, Giving, and Refusing Opinion
e. Agreement/disagreement
f. Responding a statement and Paying attention
g. Starting, Extending, and Closing a Conversation
h. Starting, Extending, and Closing a Conversation on the Phone
2. Short Functional Text
a. Invitation Letter
b. Short Messages
c. Notices
d. Advertisement
3. Texts
a. Recount
b. Narratives
c. Exposition